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Our Sunday services are standard Holy Communion services in the Anglican tradition but for the most part we conduct them in Te Reo Māori.

Q: This is my first time to go to church and I don't know what a Holy Communion service involves. What should I do?

A: Just come along. Our ministers and church whānau will welcome you.

Q: I can't speak Te Reo Māori. Can I still come to your hāhi?

A: Absolutely!  Our Prayer Book has English translations next to the Māori language.

Q: I'm not Māori, so can I still come along?

A: Of course! We have parishioners and priests from different ethnicities who are part of Te Upoko.

St Saviour’s Māori Pastorate Church

Address: 10 Princess Street, WAITARA 4320

Services: 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 10.00am

Priest in Charge: Reverend Leonie Joseph

Priests: Reverend Te Rua Joseph

St Paul's Anglican Memorial Church

Address: Te Anaua Street, WHANGANUI 4500

Services: Every Sunday at 9.30am

Priest in Charge: Reverend Bernard Broughton

Priests: Reverend Elizabeth Body, Emeritus Venerable Warahi Campbell

St Michael’s Māori Pastorate Church

(Rangitīkei Manawatū Māori Pastorate)

Address: 70 Ellesmere Crescent, Highbury, PALMERSTON NORTH 4412

​Services: Every Sunday at 10.00am

Priest in Charge: Reverend Sissiel Henderson

Priests: Reverend Dr Steve Elers

Winiata Marae

​Address: 5035 State Highway 1, TAIHAPE 4793

Services: 3rd Sunday of the month at 11.00am

Priest: Reverend Dr Steve Elers

Te Wheriko Church

Address: 953 Parewanui Road, BULLS 4894

Services: 3rd Sunday of the month at 9.00am

Priest: Emeritus Venerable Dawn Nitschke

Aorangi Marae

​Address: 6 Waughs Road, FEILDING 4775

Services: 1st Sunday of the month at 10.00am

Te Hepara Pai

(Wairarapa Anglican Māori Pastorate)

Address: 131 Cole Street, MASTERTON 5810

Services: Every Sunday at 9.30am

Priests: Reverend Emily Bartlett, Reverend Elizabeth Greville

Deacon: Reverend Robin Irwin

To join the weekly Sunday 9.30 am service online, use the following Zoom Meeting ID: 498 744 4085

Te Rohe Mihingare o Rimutaka ki Muritai

Address: St Peter's Church, 33 Wise Street, Wainuiomata, LOWER HUTT 5014

Services: Every Sunday at 11.00am

Priest in Charge: TBC

Priests: Reverend Cecilia Rooderkerk

Kaikarakia: Danny Sisley

Te Mangungu Marae

Address: Fleet Street, Naenae, LOWER HUTT

Services: Every Sunday at 9.00am

Pōneke ki Whanganui-a-Tara Hāhi Mihinare

(Pipitia Marae)

Address: 55 – 59 Thorndon Quay, Pipitia, WELLINGTON 6011

Services: TBC

Priest in Charge: Reverend Donald Rangi


Pendennis House

Address: 13 – 17 Burnell Avenue, Thorndon, WELLINGTON 6011

Services: TBC


Tangi te Keo Hāhi Mihinare

Address: St George's Church,  44 Ferry Street, Seatoun, WELLINGTON 6022

Services: Every Sunday at 10.00 am

Priests:  Reverend William Nathan

To join the weekly Sunday 10.00 am service online, go to their Facebook page for the livestream.

Te Rohe o Whitireia

Address: 3 Awarua Street, Elsdon, PORIRUA 5022

Services: Every Sunday at 10.00am

Priest in Charge:  Reverend Kura Andrews

Priests:  Reverend Tieki Kaa, Reverend Henare Rangi, Reverend Oketopa Shepherd, Reverend Pania Houkamau-Ngaheu

Rangiātea Māori Pastorate Church

Address: 33 Te Rauparaha Street, ŌTAKI 5512

​Services: Every Sunday at 9.00am

Priest in Charge: Reverend Marie Collin

Priest: Reverend Dr Rangi Nicholson, Reverend Rochelle Grace,

Whakarongotai Marae

Address: 2 Marae Lane, WAIKANAE 5036

Services: TBC


Ngātokowaru Marae

Adress: 580 Hokio Beach Road, LEVIN 5571

Services: Fourth Sunday of the month at 11.30am

Priest: Reverend Marie Collin

Poutū Marae

Adress: 1281 Foxton Shannon Road, MOUTOA 4893

Services: Third Sunday of the month at 11.30am

Priest: Reverend Marie Collin

“I am the way, the truth, and the life” 

[John 14:6]


Main Office

72 Ellesmere Crescent


Palmerston North 4412

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©2022-2024 Te Hui Amorangi ki Te Upoko-o-Te-Ika

Some content has been adapted from other Anglican websites.

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